Wedding Photography Tips for Grooms- Getting the Guys to Look Great
Wedding photographers place as much emphasis on groom wedding photography as bride wedding photography- so guys be prepared!
So how do you- the groom- create the best opportunities for the gorgeous wedding photos your partner speaks of? The focus is now on you- and your idea of great photos might be the ones which don’t include you in them! If you look forward to the experience, and just focus on the good times ahead, you will breeze through it without a care in the world.
Here is essential wedding photography advice for Grooms
Enjoy the moment. Be yourself and try not to let anything weigh you down on the day. Interact naturally with people, and pretend the camera isn’t there. Before you know it you’ll be caught up in the excitement of the moment, and the camera will not be a thorn in your side any longer!
For those shots before the wedding, consider bringing along some of the things which are unique to you, to feature in the photography. Shots at home could include boys’ toys like motorbikes, jet skis, or sporting gear. Your own car of the day- your personal pride and joy- can take pride of place in the photos. There has probably been a lot of time spent on this machine! Your wedding day is the perfect time to record the beauty of your favourite vehicle. This is familiar ground and will make you feel relaxed, plus it’s always fascinating in the years ahead, to look back at the times we had, and the gadgets which held our interest “way back then”. your children will thank you- they will most likely enjoy (decades from now) looking a Dad’s car of the day, motorbike, surfboard- it’s amazing how as time changes, photographs hold more and more value in our eyes.
Arrive at the ceremony early- you don’t want to swerve in sideways, minutes before the ceremony starts- not a good look for you or your wedding photos. Have a good sleep the night before, and shave early so any nicks during shaving can be cleaned up in time. Be sober- this is a very important thing- I have seen a marriage celebrant refuse to conduct a wedding ceremony because the groom was drunk. Not the sort of scenario you want played out in front of everyone you know! There’s nothing worse than forgetting your vows- or your spouse’s name- and I have seen both happen when guys were intoxicated before the ceremony commenced. This resulted in some very unhappy brides.
Out on location after the ceremony, you’ll feel relaxed after the ceremony, and most guys enjoy a drink (or two at the most!) during the post wedding photography. Melbourne in particular offers a range of sidewalk coffee shops and bars where you can pop in and wet the whistle- and get some great photos as well!
Interact with your wife, and swap stories of the events of the morning just gone. Before you know it you will be absorbed in the fun of the moment, and the presence of the camera will be the last thing on your mind.
Prepare well- trying to compose a speech on the back of the marriage certificate is not a good idea- you need to have this one sorted well before the big day! Wedding photography is for ever and you shouldn’t let any loose ends compromise what your wedding photographer is doing for you. And just a couple of inside tips on wedding speeches for the groom here:
- Remember to tell your wife how beautiful she looks and acknowledge all the effort she has put in to getting the day to this point
- Thank significant people who have made this day possible
- If you lose your hastily written speech, tell the truth and say that you are “speechless”
- Say it with sincerity and affection, and everyone will sing your praises
Bring along some props for the photos if these will help put you at ease. Small portable fun items, like fake cigars, canes, brollies and if you’re bringing snacks- potato chips and plain bottled water are generally disaster proof if spilled on clothing. There’s nothing worse than red wine soaking the front of your white shirt throughout your wedding album!