It should come as no surprise to most readers, that wedding photography involves more than just cameras, lenses and lighting. To provide insight into what we carry, for those unexpected emergencies, we offer a short list of essentials to pack in a quiet corner of the camera bag.

  • Safety Pins- for hems, and fabric disasters
  • Double sided “Hollywood Tape”- for clothing alignment problems
  • Needle and Thread- for buttons that need re-attachment
  • Light weight wire- for bouquet repairs
  • Barley Sugars or similar- for that quick sugar fix

Whilie the above list is by no means exhaustive, these are all items nno wedding photographer should be without. The wedding photography emergency kit should have a permanent home in any wedding photographer camera bag.

Of course, don’t forget to regularly check contents- things become lost, items go missing, and lollies can be a big temptation… so keep your kit up to date! Take a look at our article on wedding photography equipment – this should give you an idea of the minimum kit you need to get through the wedding shoot and be ready for almost anything.