City Wedding Photography
Melbourne central city provides wedding photographers with an impressive range of photographic options. The fantastic advantage of photographing weddings within Melbourne city is the ease of getting around, and the huge range of short-term bridal car parking opportunities.
Our Melbourne wedding photography takes in the best sites of the city within the time you have allocated on the day. To begin your shortlisting of likely wedding photo places, browse this gallery as well as the others in our galleries list.
A wedding photographer working in Melbourne can match the colours of building fascias to the colours of bridal cars, creating harmony within the photos. A drastic change occurs in building architecture, from the eastern section of the city, to the western city. Sometimes it’s best to take a look around the city in person just prior to the day, to have a range of short-list options ready on the shoot.
Recent amplifications of council bylaws and very clear directives from Victoria Police have meant that the tolerance level to drivers, photographers and wedding service providers has dropped- so it pays to check as to what’s allowed and what’s not, in your preferred area for wedding photography in Melbourne. More information about Wedding Photography in Melbourne City can be found by following the link.
The best Melbourne wedding photographer locations are still free! This doesn’t mean that you should avoid any locations which impose a fee for use; there are benefits with both types. Free wedding photography locations save you money- and allow you to enjoy your photo session knowing that nobody will come along to move you on. But you also contend with other brides there on the day, as well as other wedding photography. Paying a fee for a location almost always guarantees exclusive use- and as a paying customer you might get access to special wedding photography areas not made available to the general public or regular visitors. Both sides of this equation deserve your careful consideration before you ultimately choose your wedding photography location.
Wedding Photography in Melbourne might require a permit for the locations you have in mind- check with the city council for the area you are considering. Broadly speaking, public areas are public- the Docklands are managed independently by Vic Urban. City buildings, streets and lane ways were once the “must do” locations for Melbourne wedding photographers, however tightening of council and police tolerance has made a wedding shoot in Melbourne city something of a luxury rather than an automatic entitlement.
Take a look around the city without leaving your desk – by looking at the wedding photos in this gallery Wedding Photography in Melbourne is not limited to lovely sunny day photos- the city yields outstanding images in any conditions, especially with our Hollywood lighting used on location. There is a gallery featuring wedding photography in the Royal Botanical Gardens in Melbourne on the Melbourne Wedding Photographers web site. The pictures were taken in the north-eastern area of the gardens.
Enjoy this gallery of Urban Wedding Photography Melbourne city and surrounds.