Timing for Wedding Photography in Melbourne

You’ve set your wedding date, organized the ceremony, the reception, and now you are working on the timing of the elements- bringing it all together on the day, so that everything flows smoothly and you get all the wedding photography done that you are anticipating. Now the questions pop up… consider the following:

How much time do you allow for wedding photography?

Who comes along on the wedding day photo shoot?

How many locations should be selected for wedding photography?

What about absolutely torrential rain- what do we do if we get really heavy rain on the wedding day?

The wedding tips and checklist article within this web site has some great suggestions for bringing the logistics together on your wedding day, so here we will focus specifically on bringing the wedding photography elements together.

How much time should be allowed for wedding photography?

This answer is based on a wedding with around 100 guests, 6 to 10 people in total in the bridal party, and no bridal party members under 16. These preceding factors will influence the amount of time you need, so keep this in mind. As a broad guideline, you should allow two hours for wedding photography post-ceremony, and this does not take into account the time you spend traveling in between photography locations. 90 minutes would be an absolute minimum where you rely on everything going right, with the weather, people and locations.

Attendees- who comes along to our wedding photography shoot?

It is highly recommended that you have your family shots taken immediately after the wedding ceremony and congratulations have been concluded. The main reason we recommend this is that the photography of family groups is incomplete until every person who is required in your photos has shown up. If there are parking, traffic or weather problems, people can run late, and this will cause your photography to run late. Most wedding ceremonies happen in attractive locations- and often there is an area set aside specifically for family photographs. Take advantage of this!

What about heavy rain on my wedding day-how will this affect my wedding photography?

Heavy rain can be problematic, only if you have no means of escaping it. If you can shoot and remain dry, with heavy rain in the background, you are lucky indeed, for your wedding photos will have fantastic atmosphere within the image! If you see the photos in the top scroller on the Melbourne Wedding Photographers home page, you will notice that almost all of them have been shot in the pouring rain. Just be sure to have a location or two as a backup and if the weather forecast predicts imminent rain, then check your backup location’s availability the day before your wedding. You don’t want the beautiful restaurant or bar you previewed a year ago to be adorned with scaffolding and construction workers, when you were planning to step in to a quaint cottage-like venue.